Tag Archives: spring

Mother’s Day Hike

Have you ever been in the Right Place at the Wrong Time?  I spent a lot of time there Mother’s Day afternoon.

 I managed to find the places where all the morels were but I was too late.

  How about the Wrong Place at the Right Time?  I was there too.  One hill I search on usually has two or three of these:

False Morel

Tryin' to fake me out.

False morels usually have longer stems than true morels and the false morels are two separate pieces.  True morels are all one piece. 

False morel: cap separated from stem

False morel in two pieces

Finally after a couple of hours searching I ended up finding these:
My Mother's Day surprise

Small but rewarding harvest.

After awhile I gave up on morels and just wandered around the woods enjoying the loveliness of it.   


Flowers for Mother's Day

I looked at the Trillium and the other wildflowers and then started digging ramps.  I filled this produce bag until it burst and decided I should stop. 

Wild Leeks

Bursting at the seams!

 I’m going to pickle them Jerk-Style like I did onions for the Can Jam.   As I headed toward home I found this:

In a new spot!

Lucky me!

Mother’s Day Bonus!

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Filed under food, Miscellaneous

Morel Season in Full Swing

So hubby beat me to the punch on the first morels this year, but we went out again this morning.  At last!  My first morels of the season.

Can you see them?

Hard to find.

Look closely; they're elusive.

How about now?

Hidden in the leaves and grass.

Even close up they hide well.

It takes a while for your eyes to adjust to the ground cover, but it’s worth the time spent.  Here are the same mushrooms in my hand for size comparison.

Mushrooms often grow in pairs or clumps.

Number four and five.

We spent about three hours hunting and ended up with this:

Pile of morels

Nice variety of mushrooms from the same general area.

The big whites are just starting to appear.  Hopefully I can get out again soon.


Filed under food

Missed Opportunity

I’ve been waiting for asparagus to appear.  I’ve seen posts from other Michigan bloggers with pics of tender spring asparagus.  I finally found some in my little asparagus “bed”.  About two days too late I think. 

The only asparagus in the patch.
Too late.

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Filed under gardening

A Picture’s Worth 1000 Words

Luna, Hermione and Bellatrix

Happy Easter!


Filed under Silent Sunday

A Picture’s Worth 1000 Words

Spring has sprung

Can it really be spring??


Filed under Silent Sunday